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Monday, October 4, 2010

10-3-2010 Sunday morning youth sermon; David: The Shepherd Boy

Message Title: David: The Shepherd Boy

Passage: 1 Samuel Chapter 16

I. Trouble with Samuel

A. An Unchangeable Past: Samuel had poured his life into Saul and seeing Saul fail as a King causes Samuel to grieve. He wanted Saul to succeed, but Saul ceased to be a godly king.

B. An Uncertain Future: the other thing that Samuel struggled with was moving toward who would be the next king. He was worried about Saul’s reaction to him anointing the next King. Samuel, looking at Jesse’s sons thinks the older, stronger, most handsome son will be God’s choice. But God says, while man looks at the outward appearance I look at the heart.

II. The Times of David

A. David is out tending sheep when Samuel is looking at all of his brothers. Tending the sheep would be a job for a servant and on this special occasion it is very telling that David was not invited to this honored event.

B. David was perhaps an unwelcome surprise. He was the youngest of 10. Some of his older siblings were married with kids of their own when David was born.

C. He came from a poor family. Sheep was one of the poorest occupations of the time and they didn’t even have many sheep. Any time a gift is given to someone who ought to be honored the family only has the means to offer the humblest of gifts.

D. Jesse is proud to introduce his other sons to Samuel, but is forced to get David. David seems unloved and unappreciated by his father. Twice David will write about his mother in his writings. He never mentions his Dad.

III. Why was David Chosen

A. He was a “man after God’s own heart.” That is David related everything that happened in his life to his relationship with God.

B. Before David was famous he wrote Psalms 8,19,23, and 29. Here we see the future king of Israel tending sheep and relating all of his experiences to his God.

Have any questions about the morning sermon? Ask Steve G.

Wanna learn more? Take these sermon notes and apply them to your own

study time during the day!

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